Taking to the sky and pelting deteriorating wetlands with mangrove seeds has proven to be a quicker and cheaper way to get the plants established than the traditional method of taking long boat trips and planting by hand.
Tierra Resources Releases Results of Two-Year Assessment of Blue Carbon Potential on Louisiana’s Coast WEBINAR: Carbon Market Opportunities for Louisiana’s Coastal Wetlands
NEW ORLEANS, La. and Portland, Ore. (March 5, 2015) – A two-year assessment of the potential… Continue reading
On April 10, 2010, exactly five years ago to the day, the Deepwater Horizon oil platform exploded off the coast of Louisiana, causing detrimental effects to Louisiana’s delicate coastline and the animals that inhabit it, as well as businesses throughout… Continue reading
A joint report has been released by Tierra Resources, The Climate Trust and Entergy estimating that carbon finance revenue can create as much as $1.6 billion for wetland restoration.
The Gulf South regional players, along with Portland-based The Climate Trust,… Continue reading
Since the 1930s, Louisiana has lost an area of wetlands equivalent to the size of Delaware, and it continues to lose a football field of wetlands every hour. If current loss rates continue, by the year 2040 more than one… Continue reading
Billions in funds could be produced The Advocate article by Amy Wold Read More
The ability of coastal wetlands to absorb, and retain, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases could be a means to help restore parts of Louisiana’s disappearing… Continue reading