Select Publications and Resources
R. R. Lane, S.K. Mack, J.W. Day, R. D. DeLaune, M. J. Madison, P. R. Precht. 2016. Fate of Soil Organic Carbon During Wetland Loss. Wetlands 36(6):1167-1181.
C.I. Donatti, A. Andrade, L. Burke, N. Chhetri, J. Cook, G. Fedele, C. Friedrich, A. Goldstein, C.A. Harvey, D. Hole, A. Kontorov, T. Leiter, S. Mack, S. Menazza, D. Ndiaye, S. Panfil, F. Ries, A.R. Rizvi, H. Schurman. Measuing the Adaptation Outcomes of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation. Conservation International, 2016.
Hyrdrofocus, Tierra Resources (S.K. Mack), California Coastal Conservancy, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), and The Nature Conservancy. 2016. Restoration of California Deltaic and Coastal Wetlands. American Carbon Registry. Winrock International. Available at:
S. Mack, R. Lane, J. Day, R. Kempka, J. Mack, E. Hardee, C. LeBlanc. 2015. Carbon Market Opportunities for Louisiana’s Wetlands. Report by Tierra Resources LLC and The Climate Trust.
S.K. Mack, R.R. Lane, and J.W. Day. 2013. Offsetting an Environmental Burden. Water, Environment, & Technology (WE&T):56-61.
S.K. Mack, R.R. Lane, and J.W. Day. 2012. Restoration of Degraded Deltaic Wetlands of the Mississippi Delta v2.0. American Carbon Registry (ACR). Winrock International. Available at:
G.P. Shaffer, J.W. Day, S.K. Mack, G.P. Kemp, I. Heerden, M.A. Poirrier, K.A. Westpahl, D. FitzGerald, A. Milanes, C. Morris, R. Bea, and P.S. Penland. 2009. The MRGO navigation project: a massive human-induced environmental, economic, and storm disaster. Journal of Coastal Research 54:152–165
Luling Cypress Wetland Fact Sheet
Wetland Methodology Fact Sheet
Select Presentations
S.K. Mack, R.R. Lane. “Challenges and Lessons Learned in Implementing Blue Carbon Projects.” Restore America’s Estuaries, Blue Carbon Workshop. June 2016.
S.K. Mack, R.R. Lane. J.W. Day, S.D. Tullos, L.J. Brady, D. Kempka. “Results of the Luling, Louisiana Wetland Carbon Credit Pilot Project.”
S.K. Mack, R.R. Lane, J.W. Day. “Offsetting an Environmental Burden: Partner Pursue the First Certified Methodology for Carbon Credits to a Wetland Municipal Effluent Assimilation System in Louisiana.” WE&T: Seeking Clarity, Water Environment Federation. September 2013.
M. Madison, S.K. Mack, R. Lane, J.W. Day. “Wetland Restoration Using Mangroves in Southern Louisiana.” SPE Americas 2013: E&P Health, Safety, Security, Environmental Conference. Galveston, Texas, March 2013.
S.K. Mack, R. Lane, J.W. Day. “Tierra Resources Wetland Carbon Webinar.” American Carbon Registry, Winrock International. December 2012.
S.K. Mack, J.W. Day, R.Lane, T.M. Potter. “Quantification of Potential Carbon Sequestration Rates in Louisiana Wetlands.” State of the Coast – Implementing a Sustainable Coast for Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June 2010.
S.K. Mack, P.J. Fos, J.W. Day, A.J. Englande, R.S. Reimers, M. Lichtvelde. “Wetland Assimilation for Climate Change Adaptation: A Decision Analytic Approach.” WEFTEC 2010 Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference. New Orleans, LA. October, 2010.
S.K. Mack, J.W. Day, A.J. Englande, and R.S. Reimers. “Wastewater Infrastructure, Wetlands, and the Recovery of Hurricane Katrina.” EWA, WEF, & JWA 3rd Joint Specialty Conference “Sustainable Water Management in Response to 21st Century Pressures, Munich, Germany. May 2008.
S.K. Mack, and G.C. Austin. “Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans Restoration of Water and Wastewater Systems.” Aqua Alta 2006: International Conference on Flooding and Emergency Management. Hamburg, Germany September 2006.
National Wetlands Newsletter
Blazing the Trail: Lessons Learned in Getting Scratched by Dr. Sarah K. Mack
Implementing Blue Carbon Projects: Lessons Learned and Next Steps By Steve Emmett-Mattox and Dr. Steve Crooks
Carbon Sequestration Benefits of Peatland Restoration: Attracting New Partners to Restore National Wildlife Refuge Habitats by Sarah Ward and Scott Settelmyr
Making Blue Carbon Real: Five Recommendations for Project Developers by Dr. Igino Emmer and Dr. Moritz von Unger
The Blue Carbon Bottom Line: Considerations for Project Viability by Jerome “Zee” Zeringue, Richard Raynie, Dr. Charles Killebrew, Brian Perez, Guerry Holm, and Doug Huxley
Incorporating Ecosystem Carbon Into U.S. Federal Policies: A “Win-Win” for Climate and Coastal Habitat Conservation by Dr. Ariana Sutton-Grier, Amber Moore, Peter Wiley, and Dr. Peter Edwards
Blue Carbon: The Authors Respond by Dr. Steve Crooks
Financing Tribally Owned and Operated Wetland Mitigation Banks by Glenn Barnes